Training Registration

Data & AI Business Literacy

Location:Pöltner Hof, Pollinger Straße 4 & 6, 82362 Weilheim i.OB
Date(s):10.03.2025 11.03.2025
Training Facilitator:Martin Szugat
Pricing:€ 1.990,00 (EUR)excl. 19% Vat. (Pay by Invoice or PayPal)
Available Spots:5

1 Attendance


2 Attendance Information


3 Registration Summary

Please let us know the number of participants you would like:
Details Price Qty
Einzelshow details + € 2.368,10 (EUR)*  / bundle 
Gruppeshow details + € 2.368,10 (EUR)*  

* price includes taxes

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso

5% Discount*
for more than one participant from the same company or for individuals enrolling in multiple trainings

10% Discount*
when booking multiple training sessions for more than one participant

* Note: The discount is not indicated on the payment request for each individual training. You will receive invoices for all training bookings, where the discount will be duly applied.

We accept the following payment methods: Wir treiben Ihre Unternehmen voran. Wir treiben Ihre Unternehmen voran.