For Datentreiber’s 10th anniversary, we have a guest article by Ulrike Reinhard in which you will learn about the nine principles that enable the successful implementation of data strategies and, consequently, the transformation of business models.
Our freely available Data Strategy Design Kit has been enriched by a free tool: with the Generative AI Canvas you can find the right use cases of generative AI for your company.
Our method of data strategy design finds its place in many publications. It has already been mentioned in numerous articles, books and blog posts. Now also in the recently published book "Elements of Data Strategy" by Boyan Angelov.
Data is one of the most important corporate resources. In order to use it profitably in a company, a data strategy is needed. With us, you will learn the method for Data Design Thinking, with which you can independently develop established data strategies.
The year 2022 is flying by. We have experienced a sensational amount, met many people and further developed our method and ourselves personally. We were on the road again at trade fairs and were again able to accompany and coach our clients in presence. Here you can find a review of the year.
Our Datentreiber expert Sarah is not only a data scientist, she is also a leader & an enthusiastic teacher who wants to collect as many museum days as possible, also in her daily work. Get to know Sarah in the interview now!
Set sail & release the lines. A new wind is blowing at Datentreiber. Since 1 July 2022, there has been another managing partner alongside Martin Szugat: Georg Arens. Shortly before his departure to the USA to visit one of our customers, we meet for an interview.
What exactly does flying have to do with an AI and data strategy? Find out why a flight trainer teaches much more than just flying and why there is no such thing as a false start in an interview with Datentreiber expert Frank Pörschmann.
A successful data strategy must pass a critical review from three angles: feasibility, viability and desirability. With a smart data strategy design, you can find that sweet spot faster.
Without the necessary data, your data strategy remains pure theory. The Data Landscape canvas helps you to identify open questions and critical assumptions regarding the most important raw material of your data strategy. Explore your data landscape early to avoid a rude awakening.
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Wie das mit der von uns entwickelten Methode des Datenstrategie-Designs funktioniert, verrät Ihnen Martin Szugat im Fachartikel im iX-Magazin.
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